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The Importance of Making Your Brand Authentic

Whether you’re creating a brand from scratch or simply reconsidering your existing marketing strategy, I’m here to remind you of the importance of making your brand authentic. With so many brands out there these days and more platforms than ever before, the marketing world can sometimes feel a bit saturated. That’s why it’s so important to ensure you create a brand that can cut through the noise and really reflects you in an authentic way. 


Because your customer will pick up on it, and it’s a shift in consumer behaviour that we’re seeing well into 2022 and beyond. In fact, 88 percent of consumers say that authenticity is a key factor when deciding what brands they like and support (Stackla, 2021) while 77 percent of consumers buy from brands that share the same values as they do (Havas Group, 2019).

A recent study showed that 74% of people are becoming tired of social media ads and have very much caught on to fake product reviews crafted by robots – as you may have seen on Facebook and Amazon. This has led to a drive back towards family and friend referrals amidst the stress of not knowing who to trust, and is in fact how at least 38% of consumers find out about new brands.

This change in behaviour identifies a massive opportunity for brands to disrupt the current landscape with authenticity, creating a sense of connection through relatable content that doesn't need to be immaculately curated and perfected all of the time. In fact quite the opposite, ownership of imperfections can help build trust from your consumers and humanise your brand.

So how do you transform this knowledge into a brand marketing strategy? Well, there’s a few things I would recommend that will help you reconnect with this concept and ultimately, ensure you have a bloody good time while you do it. Because even if you do not identify with your target market, your brand is in some ways a reflection of you.

A really beautiful wrap up of the emotive drive behind consumer behaviour patterns in 2022

The Essence of Your Brand

I started working with a self development coach around about the time I started to come to terms with the fact that I wanted to work for myself (how’s that for timing?). One of the most potent things my coach Chloe recommended to me was to consider what I wanted the essence of my brand to be. 

And so I dropped in. 

Incense was lit, a meditation playlist gently echoed from my UE Boom, and I took a seat on my couch, eyes closed. What did I want my business to be, and what exactly was it offering when you stripped back the technical skills and the sales? What was the why? 

Using a five senses reality, I projected myself in a future place and time as my own boss, meeting with clients, smiling, drinking coffee, and most importantly making connections. I envisioned a sense of community and partnership, where people would feel a part of something greater when working with me. Hence the “social club” element of my business name - when I work with brands I hope to evoke a sense of togetherness. I’m not just someone you outsource but truly integrated into your team, and I hope to spread joy through the business connections I make to help ignite excitement when it comes to your marketing strategy. 

South West Social Club branding documentation that shows off red and pink colours
I really wanted my branding to reflect a playfulness that matches my personality, as well as my nostalgia for old font styles and colour palettes. Think: daggy diner vibes.

So, first things first - drop the heck in and figure out the SOUL of your brand.

Brand Guidelines

Now that we’ve established the why, set an intention of how you hope to make your customer feel. What are the thoughts, feelings, emotions, or experiences you are offering your consumer by participating in your community?

So often brand guidelines are focused on establishing colours, fonts and logo applications. Don’t me wrong this is completely necessary to avoid branding nightmares when you work with designers and printers, however, I’d like you to go a bit deeper. 

What is your tone of voice? How will you speak through your website, your captions and even your thank you pages when someone finally converts. Welcoming, playful, bold or exclusive - this tone should set the scene for the way you make your customer feel. State these clearly within your brand guidelines and ensure this aligns with who you feel your brand really is. Allow this to drive every piece of content you present your customer whether it be big or small.

Photo of digital marketing agency owner Meg pouring a cup of tea on her couch
Me spilling all the tea about brand authenticity from one of my favourite brainstorm spots in the house


While copy is just one part of it, let’s consider content as everything visual that we present to your customer. Images, videos, reels, website landing pages, and blog posts. 

I love that one of my clients only uses real customers on their website despite being a beauty and skincare business - no models or influencers. This is one way that makes them more relatable to their audience and enables their brand to remain authentic. 

Do you like your images to be very polished and presentable to reflect your particular price point, or does shooting content on a mobile phone feel more authentic to you? These are all key strategies to consider when reflecting on your brands marketing “truth”, if you will.


Just because you work with influencers, doesn’t mean that your brand suddenly becomes “inauthentic”. This can totally be approached in a way that reflects your brand identity and doesn’t stray from your essence. 

In 2022, we are starting to see a shift towards ongoing brand partnerships vs one off discount codes on herbal laxative teas you don’t really give a shit about. We are also seeing a movement towards leveraging micro influencers vs big-time 500k+ kinda influencers, which is a great thing for smaller businesses. 

Data mic drop: while micro influencers had a 89% market share in 2020, these numbers grew to 91% in 2021 (Influence Marketing Hub). This is expected to grow, not only for the price point benefits - micro influencers can sometimes shoot content in exchange for product, or around $100 per post. Big time influencers can charge anywhere from $1000-2000 - and that’s not even touching Instagram reels. 

Most importantly though, micro influencers generally relate to your audience on a more authentic level. Their endorsement of a brand can sometimes speak louder than an influencer who has partnership posts every couple of days. 

If bigger influencers are the right fit for you, why not consider long-term brand partnerships as mentioned above. Having a “brand ambassador” that consistently posts about you usually means that the influencer has understood the impact towards their OWN reputation when seen posting images or videos of your product regularly, and (usually) this means your product or service relates in some way to the aspirations they are offering THEIR audience.

With all of that in mind, I hope the importance of making your brand authentic rang true to you in some form. I’m a strong believer that pride and passion translates through to your audience when communicated in the right way, which is why your marketing strategy should reflect that. If you love what you do but you can’t seem to get the marketing side of it quite right - please fill in a custom form on my website or send me an email and I would love to chat with you about how I might be able to assist! Because…. you guessed it - I really like what I do, and I hope you can feel it.

xx Megs

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

If SEO is an abbreviation that makes your brain want to explode, I just want you to know that I’m here for you. S stands for search, E for engine and O for optimisation. Search engine optimisation is essentially a marketing strategy used to ensure that your website shows up as high as possible when people are searching for your products or services. This is achieved through a whole variety of techniques, including the way you structure the images on your site, your site load speed, and most importantly making sure your site hosts the specific words that your customer would be typing into their web searches to find you. While this is typically something that we speak about in relation to search engines such as Google and Bing, Instagram over the last few years has been operating as a search engine of its own kind. Oh yes, it’s true. And of course you want your brand to be showing up there too. After doing some research, I’ve rounded up 5 of the best Instagram SEO tips to help grow your following.

Ever noticed how when you type in something at the top of the Instagram search bar, it doesn’t just come up with suggested accounts or hashtags relating to those terms anymore? No, you’re getting actual PHRASES (ie keywords) for the content you put in there. 

A screenshot of Instagram SEO functionality when you type search queries into the search bar
Instagram is showing us more than just accounts and hashtags these days

Search results will bring up posts about personal trainers even if they have not been hash tagged, meaning we’re seeing a change to the ever mysterious Instagram algorithm yet again. However, this is good news because it means that there is more opportunity to reach new eyeballs even if you forgot to hashtag #dayforit in your Saturday afternoon winery post. 

Apparently Instagram considers “a number of factors” when returning search results. This includes the type of content, captions, when it was posted, and more. The spokesperson confirms Instagram uses machine learning to “find the highest quality content that’s relevant to you.”

So, how can you actually apply this to your business? Well, LUCKILY I love ya a lot and I’m happy to share some of my hottest tips for boosting your Instagram SEO so you can start seeing some increased exposure on your posts. 

1) Keyword Research

First things first, let’s consider your audience. Who is your customer and what are they looking for when they are searching for your products? For example, if you are a personal trainer your audience might be typing into Instagram, Pinterest, or Google “fitness tips” “how to get strong” “what to eat in a day to gain muscle”- something like that. Hot tip, pretend you were your target audience and literally start typing out some of these ideas that come up in these search engines as this might give you some helpful insights and keywords you haven’t thought about. 

A screenshot of what comes up when you type in marketing tips into Google search results
These search engines can help inspire your content strategy!

2) Keyword Integration in Captions

Now that you have all of that data? Great. Let’s start integrating this into your content strategy, and most importantly in your captions. If healthy recipes were a leading search query, structure your content around this and be sure that every week you include a food-based recipe reel. Lead your caption with these specific search queries and delight your customer with a helpful video tutorial or graphic tile that helps sum up some of the wisdom they’ve come to you to find out! 

3) Update Your Instagram Name

A quick fix yet a great opportunity to increase your visibility - make it clear to your customer what you offer. Not just your name, add your services in there too! If possible, update your handle too. For example, if you're a travel Instagram account, why not make it @megstravelstheworld or @travelwithmeg.

You’ll notice in my profile for example, I don’t have Meg McCarthy, but rather my business name and the services I offer. As much as my ego would like to believe otherwise, I don’t think many people would be out there actively searching for my full name. They would however, be searching for things like ‘Digital Marketing Agency’ so this gives me a better chance of showing up. 

A screenshot of Meg from South West Social Club's Instagram page, it shows how she has "digital marketing agency" in her name plate on Instagram rather than her full name. This is for Instagram SEO purposes!
Still pretty pissed off someone out there has the handle without the dot

4) Add Your Keywords to Your Bio 

Your bio shouldn’t be a short little one liner. This is a great place to put in the common keywords that were coming up for you when you did your research in step one. For example, your destination for ‘Your fitness tips destination’ or ‘Weekly exercises to help you gain muscle’. Get the idea? 

5) Include Keyword-Rich Alt Text 

“Alt text” is descriptive text that describes what your photo or video is about for visually impaired users. Screen readers read aloud text descriptions in this section, so it's important that you make this experience as positive as possible to ensure Instagram is an accessible platform for everyone. Without “keyword stuffing” (a bad practice of just trying to pop your keywords in as many times as possible that things stop making sense), if you can include keywords in these descriptions this can also assist in increasing your reach. 

A screenshot of alt text for Instagram SEO purposes. The owner of South West Social Club Meg shows us how she structures hers.
How you can include keywords into alt text without it sounding too unnatural

I hope the world of SEO is a little less scary right now, and if you ever need someone to manage your strategy ongoing because you can’t be bothered with it… reach out to me! I love it and I’d also LOVE to help you. 

xx Megs

If SEO is an abbreviation that makes your brain want to explode, I just want you to know that I’m here for you. S stands for search, E for engine and O for optimisation. Search engine optimisation is essentially a marketing strategy used to ensure that your website shows up as high as possible when people are searching for your products or services. This is achieved through a whole variety of techniques, including the way you structure the images on your site, your site load speed, and most importantly making sure your site hosts the specific words that your customer would be typing into their web searches to find you. While this is typically something that we speak about in relation to search engines such as Google and Bing, Instagram over the last few years has been operating as a search engine of its own kind. Oh yes, it’s true. And of course you want your brand to be showing up there too. After doing some research, I’ve rounded up 5 of the best Instagram SEO tips to help grow your following.

Ever noticed how when you type in something at the top of the Instagram search bar, it doesn’t just come up with suggested accounts or hashtags relating to those terms anymore? No, you’re getting actual PHRASES (ie keywords) for the content you put in there. 

A screenshot of Instagram SEO functionality when you type search queries into the search bar
Instagram is showing us more than just accounts and hashtags these days

Search results will bring up posts about personal trainers even if they have not been hash tagged, meaning we’re seeing a change to the ever mysterious Instagram algorithm yet again. However, this is good news because it means that there is more opportunity to reach new eyeballs even if you forgot to hashtag #dayforit in your Saturday afternoon winery post. 

Apparently Instagram considers “a number of factors” when returning search results. This includes the type of content, captions, when it was posted, and more. The spokesperson confirms Instagram uses machine learning to “find the highest quality content that’s relevant to you.”

So, how can you actually apply this to your business? Well, LUCKILY I love ya a lot and I’m happy to share some of my hottest tips for boosting your Instagram SEO so you can start seeing some increased exposure on your posts. 

1) Keyword Research

First things first, let’s consider your audience. Who is your customer and what are they looking for when they are searching for your products? For example, if you are a personal trainer your audience might be typing into Instagram, Pinterest, or Google “fitness tips” “how to get strong” “what to eat in a day to gain muscle”- something like that. Hot tip, pretend you were your target audience and literally start typing out some of these ideas that come up in these search engines as this might give you some helpful insights and keywords you haven’t thought about. 

A screenshot of what comes up when you type in marketing tips into Google search results
These search engines can help inspire your content strategy!

2) Keyword Integration in Captions

Now that you have all of that data? Great. Let’s start integrating this into your content strategy, and most importantly in your captions. If healthy recipes were a leading search query, structure your content around this and be sure that every week you include a food-based recipe reel. Lead your caption with these specific search queries and delight your customer with a helpful video tutorial or graphic tile that helps sum up some of the wisdom they’ve come to you to find out! 

3) Update Your Instagram Name

A quick fix yet a great opportunity to increase your visibility - make it clear to your customer what you offer. Not just your name, add your services in there too! If possible, update your handle too. For example, if you're a travel Instagram account, why not make it @megstravelstheworld or @travelwithmeg.

You’ll notice in my profile for example, I don’t have Meg McCarthy, but rather my business name and the services I offer. As much as my ego would like to believe otherwise, I don’t think many people would be out there actively searching for my full name. They would however, be searching for things like ‘Digital Marketing Agency’ so this gives me a better chance of showing up. 

A screenshot of Meg from South West Social Club's Instagram page, it shows how she has "digital marketing agency" in her name plate on Instagram rather than her full name. This is for Instagram SEO purposes!
Still pretty pissed off someone out there has the handle without the dot

4) Add Your Keywords to Your Bio 

Your bio shouldn’t be a short little one liner. This is a great place to put in the common keywords that were coming up for you when you did your research in step one. For example, your destination for ‘Your fitness tips destination’ or ‘Weekly exercises to help you gain muscle’. Get the idea? 

5) Include Keyword-Rich Alt Text 

“Alt text” is descriptive text that describes what your photo or video is about for visually impaired users. Screen readers read aloud text descriptions in this section, so it's important that you make this experience as positive as possible to ensure Instagram is an accessible platform for everyone. Without “keyword stuffing” (a bad practice of just trying to pop your keywords in as many times as possible that things stop making sense), if you can include keywords in these descriptions this can also assist in increasing your reach. 

A screenshot of alt text for Instagram SEO purposes. The owner of South West Social Club Meg shows us how she structures hers.
How you can include keywords into alt text without it sounding too unnatural

I hope the world of SEO is a little less scary right now, and if you ever need someone to manage your strategy ongoing because you can’t be bothered with it… reach out to me! I love it and I’d also LOVE to help you. 

xx Megs